OSHA 1910
The OSHA General Standards 1910 is a wide category of guidelines that applies to multiple industries. We break down some of the relevant sections that apply specifically to rooftop access and fall protection equipment. We manufacture our products to meet these standards, and employers should understand OHSA’s requirements to prevent violations and citations.
OSHA General Industry
OSHA General Industry Standards 1910 is a catchall category that covers everything from underwater repairs to vehicle-mounted elevated work platforms. Millions of workers would be included in the 1910 category.
The industry standards are designed to be very specific, discussing when certain products are to be used, and what minimum standard quality of construction these products must maintain to promote worker safety.
A thorough overview of the entire 1910 standard would take many chapters worth of information. We particularly focus on ‘Subpart D’ which is the section that focuses on ‘Walking-Working Surfaces’. We pride ourselves on offering only products that more than meet the standards set by government for safe operation.
We have highlighted the standards that specifically affect the rooftop and the access products we manufacture.
1910. Subpart D - Walking-Working Surfaces:
1910.23 - Fixed Ladders
This regulation governs ladders that are fixed in place and used regularly in commercial environments. It discusses the types of materials to be used, the structural load the ladders must hold, and the setting and materials into which they can be attached.
1910.25 - Stairways
This section will discuss the specifications for the safe design of fixed general industrial stairs, including interior and exterior stairs around machinery, tanks, and other equipment, and stairs leading to or from floor, platforms, or pits.
1910.28 - Duty to have fall protection and falling object protection
This regulation addresses the duty to provide fall protection for each employee exposed to fall hazards. It particularly covers when fall protection is needed and at what heights.
1910.29 - Fall Protection systems and falling object protection
This section sets the requirements that any fall protection system should meet. It covers all fall protection products such as guardrails, safety nets, fall arrest systems and anchor points.
1910.140 - Personal Protective Equipment
This section establishes performance, care, and use criteria for all personal fall protection systems. This includes anchor points, lifelines, lanyards and other active fall protection devices.