
FIXFAST USA is now Kattsafe

We’ve been delivering high-quality products and innovation for over 40 years and we’ve partnered closely with Sayfa in Australia for over 10 years. It was a natural evolution for us to join forces as a single global brand for height access and fall protection systems.

Bringing everything we do under one new name makes it even simpler to work with us and use our products. And behind it all, we’re still the same team, quality products, and customer service that you’ve come to expect.

OSHA Unveils Top 10 Safety Violations for 2023

Derek Tokarz Certified in Safety Management Group's Training in Fall Protection

Categories: Industry News

During the 2023 NSC Safety Congress & Expo, an important panel discussion took place where OSHA’s Top 10 Safety Violations were dissected and announced. The event provided a platform for experts from various industries to gain insights into the most common workplace safety concerns.

OSHA’s Top 10 Safety Violations

For the 13th consecutive year, Fall Protection maintained its position as the most cited violation, with 7,271 violations reported in fiscal year 2023. Other prominent violations included Hazard Communication, Ladders, Scaffolding, and Powered Industrial Trucks. Notably, many of these violations were found to be prevalent in the construction industry, with roofing contractors being frequent offenders, especially in relation to Fall Protection.

Top 10 Violations in 2023:
  1. Fall Protection – General Requirements: Topping the list with 7,271 violations

  2. Hazard Communication: Recorded 3,213 violations

  3. Ladders: Noted 2,978 violations

  4. Scaffolding: Cited in 2,859 violations

  5. Powered Industrial Trucks: Reported in 2,561 violations

  6. Lockout/Tagout: Registered 2,554 violations

  7. Respiratory Protection: Accounted for 2,481 violations

  8. Fall Protection – Training Requirements: Identified in 2,112 violations

  9. Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment – Eye and Face Protection: Recorded 2,074 violations

  10. Machine Guarding: Noted 1,644 violations

Importance in Understanding Violations

Recognizing and understanding these violations, as well as the associated risks, is crucial for promoting a safer work environment and preventing accidents. The 2023 NSC Safety Congress & Expo offers attendees the opportunity to engage with experts, attend informative sessions, and explore potential solutions to address these top safety violations identified by OSHA.

Mitigating Risks: Kattsafe for OSHA Compliant Fall Protection Products

At Kattsafe, we understand the importance of OSHA compliant safety solutions, especially when it comes to fall protection. Our number one priority is to keep employees safe from preventable falls and subsequent injuries.

That’s why we offer high-quality and OSHA-compliant fall protection equipment, such as guardrails, anchor points, fixed ladders, lifelines, and modular access systems. Our products help reduce fall hazards and ensure OSHA compliance for our clients.

At Kattsafe, we stay up to date with changing OSHA requirements and regulations, so we can provide the best and most relevant products. Our team of experts can guide you through our various systems to find the right solutions for your workspace.

With Kattsafe products in place, you can feel confident that your employees are safe and your workplace is OSHA compliant. As OSHA compliance officers will be inspecting and evaluating your current fall protection systems, it’s important to take actions now to prevent potential hazards and violations.

If you still have questions about our products or would like to request a quote, don’t hesitate to contact our team today. We look forward to helping you ensure a safer workplace for everyone!