
FIXFAST USA is now Kattsafe

We’ve been delivering high-quality products and innovation for over 40 years and we’ve partnered closely with Sayfa in Australia for over 10 years. It was a natural evolution for us to join forces as a single global brand for height access and fall protection systems.

Bringing everything we do under one new name makes it even simpler to work with us and use our products. And behind it all, we’re still the same team, quality products, and customer service that you’ve come to expect.

The Value of Fixed Ladder Compliance

Derek Tokarz Certified in Safety Management Group's Training in Fall Protection

Compliance + A Fixed Ladder = Value

Fixed ladders are an integral part of a compliant roof access and fall protection system. We even identify roof access and fixed ladders as the first step to address in our High Five program on becoming OSHA compliant. There is a lot of overall value that a compliant fixed ladder can provide.

If you’re an end user, a compliant fixed ladder can provide you with a peace of mind, which you should have when using this roof access method. It’s nice to have something that is in-line with OSHA compliance, is easier to climb and won’t harm you from using it.

If you’re a distributer, then a compliant fixed ladder can add value to any roof walk or project you have. Selling compliance is easy and it’s something that should rather be followed instead of sold. Although regardless of following or selling compliance, it adds more monetary value to your project.

Statistically Speaking

Fatal work-related falls to a lower level increased 26 percent from 2011 to 2016. From 2011 to 2016, the most common sources in these cases were ladders. Ladders resulted in 836 fatal injuries of the 3,723 fatal falls during the 6-year period. Full statistics can be seen here.

OSHA Ladder Regulations

OSHA 1910.23 relates to fixed ladders. Just recently OSHA put into a place a few changes to their walking-working surfaces standard that many are still unaware of. OSHA 1910 states that any fixed ladder taller than 24 feet is required to have fall protection. In lieu of this change, cages are no longer considered a form of compliant fall protection on any newly installed fixed ladder that extends past 24 feet. A vertical fall arrest system must be used in this situation to remain in compliance. Cages may still be used, but they will require to be accompanied by a vertical fall arrest system. Looking way ahead to November 19, 2036, cages will no longer be considered a form of fall protection on any existing fixed ladder that was installed before November 18, 2018.

Identifying Compliance

We make keeping up with OSHA regulations and compliance a piece of cake. Navigate to the Kattsafe resources tab and under there you will find an OSHA Compliance Checklist for fixed ladders. You can print it off or use it as an interactive pdf on any of your roof walks and existing projects.